Here you will find important information and answers to questions you may have.
If you can’t find exactly what you are looking for, please contact us, where someone will be happy to help you.
Club and Camp FAQs
Our staff are a team of sports coaches who teach in multiple schools in and around East Sussex. Most of the coaches will consistently teach the same sessions every week but due to the nature of our work, coaches may be required to sometimes teach in different schools.
This might be for the following reasons:
- The clubs haven’t become live for the new term yet. All dates are advertised on our social media channels and emailed to you if you have previously booked via ClassForKids
- When a new term becomes live please ensure that you make note of the name of the club listing. For new terms you will need to scroll further down as the current terms listing will still be available, until the last session of the current term, has been completed.
- When a club has been fully booked, there will be a chance to add your child to the waiting list. Please see below for further information.
If the club you wish to book is full, please join the waiting list where you will receive first refusal if a space becomes available. A space may become available due to a cancellation or if a trialist does not continue after their first session. Please note, our clubs fill up fast and work on a first come first serve basis to ensure everyone has a fair chance of booking on.
If your child no longer wishes to attend a club, please email us at with your child’s name, the school they attend, the club you have booked and the reason they wish not to continue. Our policy allows us to grant a discount code for the value of the remaining sessions of the term which can be used for the next term. If your child will not be attending the same school the following term or for any other specific reason, we can discuss further options.
When booking a club, you will be given the option to input a discount code. If your discount code is not working, please contact us at and we can investigate why this may be. In some cases, where Sportitude may book you on manually and send an invoice, it may not provide an option to input the discount code. If so, please contact us and provide your name, the school your child attends, the club you wish to book and the discount code and we can send an amended invoice with the discount applied.
If you would like to use a combination of discount codes issued to you, please contact – where we will be able to combine them for you or send an amended invoice.
All clubs go live Monday at 6pm on the final week before the current term finishes. We send reminder emails on ClassForKids and announce on our social media channels.
At the majority of the schools we teach in, we have access to indoor space that can be used if it rains. If for some reason there is no access to indoor space, the coaches will teach a classroom-based session related to the topic of the club.
Schools often approach us directly if they wish to use our provisions. Any updates on new schools will be posted on our social media pages and within the school.
To ensure all parents and carers have a fair chance of booking onto our clubs, we run our bookings on a first come, first serve basis. If we were to auto-enroll all regular bookings, this would limit the chance of other parents having a chance to let their child try the club. We will always inform parents and carers when clubs will be going live on our Facebook page and send emails to all who are on our ClassForKids booking system.
All camp launch dates are advertised on our social media pages, website and via our EEQU page and/or via our mailing list.
Our camps are advertised and are bookable on EEQU and/or Pebble depending on the provision. We will include booking links in all of our social media posts.
At our holiday camps, the children will partake in lots of different sporting/art activities. The rota of activities changes day to day to ensure variation. Weather is taken into account when running these activities.
Our camps are for children between the age of 4 and 16.
We run two different types of camps: HAF camps and privately funded camps.
At our HAF camps, children who are in receipt of free school meals are able to gain a free place as this is funded by the council to allow children to be active and receive a free hot lunch.
Additionally, we are sometimes given funding to be able to aid children who may need 1-1 support.
We also have privately funded spaces available for those who are not in receipt of free school meals at these camps.
If your child falls unwell at a camp, we will call the emergency contact straight away and discuss this with you. Depending on the child’s symptoms, we may decide with the parent/carer they are safe to stay if they wish, however if we deem it unsafe for them to stay or their symptoms are contagious, we may ask for the child to be collected as soon as possible.
If your child has an accident at camp, all first aid will be dealt with and recorded on site if the matter is not severe and the parent/carer informed.
If a serious incident occurs, we will administer first aid, call emergency services and the child’s emergency contact immediately.
If you would like to change your booking, please contact us at where we can assist with your request.